
Jul 2, 2010

On the Table #3

A new series of figurative pieces that I am finally satisfied with. Forgive the flash...I tried to photoshop it out a bit.

On the Table #2

These are the first two pieces of an Americana series I am currently working on. Feel free to comment!

On the Table #1

This is a new series I will be sending to my publisher very soon. The series is tentatively titled "In the Clouds" and each piece has its own subtitle (live, laugh, love) I apologize for the bad photographs but I will be taking studio captures of them to post individually on the site soon. Please feel free to comment!

On the Table

I will have a continually updated section of my blog called "On the Table" which will be a sneak peak of new work. As I finish a series of work I place them on a table in my studio to check them out as a group. This is where I decide which ones stay and which ones go. You will be the first to see my new work before it even leaves the studio! I would love to hear your feedback or suggestions on my work! Stay tuned for posts titled "On the Table"!

Print Room

Photo of my print room as promised.

New Studio

I recently moved into a new studio space in Austin, Texas. It has taken quite a while to renovate, but I am finally through and can start making art again. Here is a photo of my warehouse space. I also have a new computer and print room which I will add photos for later. It feels really good to have such an accommodating space to work in. Work flow is already much more efficient and I will be posting images of new work as I finish them up!